Michlong limited is responsible to customer needs through delivery of high quality product and services. This is made possible by highly motivated employees who share in the responsibility of our success.

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Michlong Limited will become a regional provider of engineering products and services. Our success will come through proactively approaching our customers to help them identify their needs.

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To provide our clients with quality products and meet exact standards at competitive prices, An efficient delivery
service ensuring delivery by promised date is ensured.

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All employees are committed to maintaining and improving our Quality Management System to satisfy our customers to comply with regulatory requirements.

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Welcome to our website!

Michlong Limited is a wholly Zambian owned Company based in Kitwe on the Copperbelt province and Lusaka in Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia. The Copperbelt is one of the major copper producing areas of the world, which is approximately 370 Kilometres North West of the Capital City of Lusaka.
Copper mining highly supports the industrialization of the Copperbelt and all its business activities that range from trading, engineering and construction.


  • Tel: +260 966 837539 | +260 977 837539
  • Michael Longe ,